Wednesday, May 31, 2006

about me..... this is blog....!!after many weeks of shillyshally..finally i got 2 create a blog 4 me...aint tat gr8....initially .even now 4 tat matter i feel like a kid in a topless bar .confused bout wat and how 2 do..inspite of these confusions-im successfully posting new 2 tis field of its evident from my writing style....!!
and ya bout name is charith...sophomore rite now.....movin to 3rd yr after these semesters....doin my bachelors with computers as my major.....(tho i hate programming!!)
so ppl any comments .do feel free 2 comment and help me improve...but a kind request...dont misuse tis freedom and totally screw me up..k....
tats it 4 now....catch u in d next post.......
bout my english.....i kno its bad....but this is d only 1 tat i've try 2 adjust.....