Monday, September 18, 2006


No no....i aint trying to sing here....for the good of the society....i decided not to do it......newayz.......yeah......this is the name of my so called.....proclaimed..much hyped event college culturals......(ladies and gentleman...please yawn..!!).....i honestly hate this name....saa...vee.....gaa.......maa.....its like some kinda typo or something like that...!!
DAY 1:
As began very well......with all the participants......the judges....i meant only the participants were there.......and as usual there were these guys who were like...."that guy is my department...","that guy is my friend.."......the audiences who mocked at every oppurtunity they got.,...thats because the participants in all the events were so damn talented and were apt candidates for getting a way it was good...the absence of talent made way for unadulterated fun as the participants had a taste of what it is to be mocked...!!there were these dumb events like....adzap-yeah heard it right..adzap...the products were lame and so were the ads...i mean..i felt like all of the teams competed for something like ."we-will-be-the worst"...title or something like was funny like watching the re-runs of golf matches in dd sports.....usually the participants were sitting ducks....but in the next event,...they were turkeys waiting to be talking about singing.....the talking about the partcipants.....they indulged in an act of mass-stand up comedy...they sang...and as usual ..the audience were ruthless as they roasted thes turkeys till they turned brown!!but my "rarely seen" good side pitied the singers..but my other side..felt that they could've bene roasted to the more darker shades of brown..!!such was their quality and talent....
Then there was this...skit...OMG...such comical and baseless skits they were....oh they could beat even a drunken monkey in incoherence-it was like watching something intellectually stimulating and challenging like "teletubbies","boobah".......(and by d monkeys drink??.hmm.....honestly i dont know....).. i enjoyed em very was refreshing and it gave audience an idea of "how a skit should'nt be!!"....and then after this skit...there were these main events like pin the tail on the donkey,pinata.eye-spy etc,......jus kiddin....but i considered these events would be far far better than the events that followed the skit..!!i was wrong .....there was this light-music thingie........vandalism was at its maximum here... i danced...cheered along with was nice....and the day ended on a tiring and a happy note.....
DAY 2:
hmmm........after the "exciting and mind blowing" 1st day....guess they had decided to atone for thier sins...the events that day were really interesting and nice.....and they were the most eagerly awaited ...the group dance,"mr n mrs .savvy"......apart from all this....the crowd puller....which made the second day a grand success..i aint talkin about some fashion show or anything like that.....its the "GRAND LUNCH"....that we were promised ......
-->lunch....yay.....happy time.lunch time...!!
The greatest mistake done by my college management is feeding gluttons like us....all hell broke loose when they announced that lunch was supplied...chaos ensued...pandemonium...(boy...did i love it or what!!)...after going there...i saw many worshippers of some god...were awed by it...what did they see.....FOOD....that too a was like...the sight of a lake for a nomad in desert!!.......we were glad that it was buffet.....and everyone was like,they were badly affected by drought and we even beat the likes of those kids in refugee camps!!(its understood that the above "never-seen-food-before" group includes me i dint mention)..and after we had voraciously finished off the lunch....we dint care much about the events that we were all dazed .....felt really sleepy.....
After some events...which included "mr n mrs.savvy",group dance etc.....we pretty much enjoyed the show and cheered and jeered....
Alas came the end of my culturals and this painfully long blog....which took me about half n hour....
~and after this i happily lived ever after....till the examz next week i.e!!
[p.s:there are exceptions though....there were these talented ones....but....its the other type that i felt like pondering ppl who r readin this...n who participated in offence..newayz....atleast u ppl did try...i dint...]