Friday, July 28, 2006

headches of a minor surgical correction-surgery!! i am...survived a surgery last week...i hate 2 use d word survive..coz its jus a minor one...atleast it was s'posed 2 b one accordin 2 d doctor...
But watever i've undergone.......i'll try 2 blog em down...
My surgery was on d friday...21st july..n so i got admitted in d hospital...n evrythn was fine....then came in d nurses..with some injections in her hand...(right from childhood i donno y ,i had this unexplainable fear of injections, i wud'nt even touch it with a 3 feet stick!!)...she injected me here there n evrywere until my body was like a guy stung by 1000 bees...(jus kiddin!)..yeah some did pain...n as if this was'nt enuff..they were inscribing...i tot it was their names..somethn like "this is my area" or "out of bounds" etc..,aftr sometime i looked like an amnesiac,scrawling "things 2 b done" on his hands..but later i learnt with my
not-much-used-common sense tat they were d names of d injectants...4 any case of allergic reactions..i was relieved coz they stopped makin me a scribblin pad....
And as if these were'nt enuff...they brought in d saline bottles...they looked pristine...they were slooooowly makin thier way into my bloodstream...i dono 4 wat reason but....they kept givin me saline bottles...aftr all this stuff...the staff came in...he tol me 2 remove all d clothin tat i had...well....i had 2 comply n there i was in a green attire...4 few reasons i hated it.. made me look fat..which i am normally!! dint suit me..i hate tat colour!
3.i looked like a guy who jus ran away from d asylum!!
after this ....they took me 2 d operation theatre...from there on,thnx 2 d anaesthesia i was blissfully unaware of thier surgical procedures...!!
d worst part was the fasting part..i had my breakfast on 7.30am..from tat time on...i was s'posed 2 not even drink water..4get water..FOOD..i shud'nt touch it...tat was more painful than d needles tat pricked me!!

1 comment:

Archie said...

ohh too bad u had to undergo n operation...get well soon...and yeah!!it sucks not to be allowed to have food .....hehehe...nd 4 injections!!! :O ...ouch ouch ouch ouch...!!!!