Thursday, December 20, 2007

AIDS awareness..err....MIRUGAM-the review.

Music-Sabesh Murali.
Cast-Aathi,Padmapriya,Kanja Karuppu,Sona,Banuchander.
This is saami's 2nd venture,1st one being "uyir" which stirred controversies.This one aint any exception-it comes with "A" rating from the CBFC.Rightfully so,i might add.
The movie is set in a rural milieu and Anbazhagan alias Ayyanar is a ruffian who terrorises the village.The debutant aathi makes a mark with his crude mannerims and his physical build-the height,broad shoulders epitomises virility-overdone at times though.He reminds you a lot of paruthi kaarthick.The first half is pretty much made up of two things-you can see the hero in his prurient self trying to rape someone..anyone..and the next thing you can see is that he keeps guzzling "kallu".At any instant of the first half,he is either drinking down litres of kallu and or attempting to rape hapless woman who fall in his sight.His sidekick Idi Thaangi (played by Ganja Karuppu)envies the sexual prowess of his master.He constitutes the humour track which does evoke few "smiles" at times-rarely though.Not much can be said about the first half where the keyword is booze,sleaze,rapes and more of it.The funny part is that not much of a difference lies between the protaganist and his bull who's libidos are most probably the same.And all that credit goes to the director who potrayed him that way.The title is justified as you can see his uncouth activities like-tearing the old lady's ear,trying to stab the pregnant Azhagamma and making her run miles reminds you of his animal like behaviour and ruthlessness.ANd i'm glad i brought Azhagamma(played by Padmapriya).Thankfully,she aint one of those run of the mill heroines but climbs palm trees,beats up ruffians and delivers knock-out punches in a perfectly believable manner.On the usual lines,Ayyanar makes amorous advances on her--only to be swatted back in his own fashion and he decides to marry just to conquer her.Then comes the twist in his life when he realises she aint a subservient woman whom he came across all along.As the plot progresses,you cant stop grinning at the bickerings between the two.The first half ends with the hero suffering from some mysterious disease and some really weird symptoms.The 1st half is pretty racy and the question "yen(why)" posted to you raises many questions in your mind-are they asking you why are you still here or is it that why did you choose this movie of all the movies..!?!..The movie pretty much reminds you of paruthiveeran esp that song in the middle of nowhere..but thankfully that feeling of "seen-this-before" fades away once the second half gets rolling.
The second half is where you begin to see signs of a human in the hero.For one he begins to love his wife-not withstanding the beatings though.He begins to suffer from a really mysterious killer known as AIDS.It is in this half that he gets used to dope,homosexuality,drugs etc in the prison.But if there is one thing that i dont understand,it is the question of why does the hero often put into jail.!.As the second half progresses,you start to loathe this guy for the insensitive clod that he is towards his wife.Padmapriya potrays the role of caring wife with perfection eventhough its beyond her scope.He sodomises literally everyone and anyone whom he finds and he pays for his promiscuity later on.Day by day his condition deteriorates and he gets admitted in the hospital.Inspite of getting admitted for the same,he doesnt change and remains animal like.He gets banished out of the village for the same.As the disease worsens and symptoms get more worse,he drastically turns into something else,more tinier and a weaker guy.The make up for this character is perfect and is faintly reminiscent of "Rakthakaneer" stuff.But then at the end of the day,he learns what is life all about and tries to repent for his sins by offering the place in front of his house for constructive purposes.By the time you feel pity for him,he dies.In the end a fitting end for the guy that he has been all along in his life.In the climax,there is this long speech from padmapriya which is little unjustified considering the funeral rites that she has to perform..!!
Overall mirugam scores and it seems like a 3 minute AIDS awarness ad being elongated into a 3 hr movie with the elements of a movie.This awarness part can be observed by the way the doc delivers a speech to those reminded me of those govt of india DD ads..!!.This is a movie worth watching and beyond any doubt not with parents.It is a realistic movie with overdoses of sex,violence and vulgarity.Credit must be given to the director for skillfully treading the thin path between sex and at the same time delivering the message too..!!
Well...thats about mirugam i watch it and let it make you into an it did to the guy posting this blog...!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Life is Good....!!

well i know that the title sounds like the slogan of a very popular brand,but no,i'm really beginning to feel good-not because S.O(special officer) left my college,i'm placed..yes you read it right,i'm PLACED..!!
venue-Sri Ram engineering College
time-not sure,obviously in the morning.
date-sep 10th,2007.

The event that lead me to this fateful day?!.7th september,well it was some aptitude test comprising 4 sections.
4.Data Structures,C,OS etc.
The test began on a usual note-i was blank,knew nothing.To make things more annoying i had this friend of mine asking me for answers when i knew nothing,whatever.The test lasted for about an hour or so.To my knowledge,i did well only in comprehension,logical and the other two were hopeless as i was randomly shading the circles,just when i was about to complete the pattern in my OMR..time was up.They said they'll announce the results later on the evening,none had the hope to wait,besides who would wait-afterall we've got our culturals and a last one at that.So we left,not even a shred of hope was there in
my case,i knew it would be one of those cases where i would call my dad and tell him my friends are selected and my dad would retort "its okay,there is always a next time" and all that.There i was sitting in my college's lawn and watching some event on the stage when my friend sent me the message "you are selected"..and i was like.."what the @#@#$$*&*&...!!wow...".I was'nt the only one,there were about 3 along with me and the surprising thing was that-only four of em were selected out of some 50 odd students,i mean from my college-so you can gauge my luck.I was very elated coz all this "aptitude through'ing" and all that were new words in my placement dictionary.
The interview was on monday(10/09/07) and needless to say i felt as tensed as a guy sitting on a time bomb.Unfortunately,time dint seem to sense my feelings and it was punctual-*poof* came monday- D day..!!
I hated it,that college was like built in the middle of no man's land and the only thing you can probably do there is plough fields,sleep there,eat there.i began to wonder what those students do when they bunk college,,..but the good side is that you realise its better you attend the college rather then bunking it in the middle of the day..!!
ahem..sorry i got carried away..where was i..yeah..I decided to go with anupam in his bike.The journey lasted for about an hour or so,after enquiring many people we finally reached the college-a relief.
The interview was SUPPOSED to start at around 9,but due to various difficulties it started only at around 1.30pm if my watch was right.But that doesnt mean we wasted time,the students at that college were human enough to actually understand our boredom and showed the movie-"chak de"..unfortunately that was cut short thanks to the timely intervention of the HR's of that company.
The HR's were also in a hurry,may be they had some flight to catch or whatever.They split the ones available into groups of 5 and the interview was over in a jiffy-not for me ofcourse,for the ones before me.!!.Then came my turn,i was pretty confident.It was over in about 10 minutes,technical wit periodically general questions like "tel me about yourself,hobbies..".I did pretty well,i was kinda confident,but i dint wanna fly high.So i sobered up.
The results were out ....and suprise..I was IN..seesh..I was very happy..called my dad,messaged all my friends..I was so happy,had no words at all.
Oh yeah,anupam,one more gal of my class also got placed.
Now my life is pretty settled and stable,waiting eagerly for the offer letter.
I forgot to mention the name of the google it if you have time..
Thank you..
And if you people are wondering why i've displayed that pic,i stumbled upon this really really funny pic,wanted to share it with you people..!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Airtel sucks...part ii

I hate this-from 22nd august..its farewell for the free messages,yes..they are charged-5ps/sms..may the free messages forwards,no hi' good mornings and nights..!!
thank you..amen..!!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Express yourself,uh....*sulking*..

There are few things in life which get better by the day and they improve,i guess i concluded too early without actually referring to my stuff.You see first and foremost,i would like to meet these people at Airtel and tell them they should be watching movies in teja tv and should be listening to tamil songs sung by udit narayanan for all the weird things that they have been doing to my connection.Many times my precious but dwindling balances have been wasted thanks to the "weak-as-a-starved-child" kinda signals.I keep talking something important and intellectual like the sensex or how can compilers be made faster(ok,i love exaggerating..!!)and the call will get cut abruptly without any warning,with the probability as high as me failing in the weekly tests.Like a moron i keep yapping this end and in the other they are blissfully unaware of what was i blabbering,life saver at times i must say.!!.Anyways lets not get into my academic side,this blog is about my experiences with airtel and my struggle to talk with people with more than few minutes in my mobile.
To exasperate the experiences mentioned afore,you see those commercials being aired about some grandson,grandpa relationships.I really feel pissed when i see that ad coz here i am unable to talk for a few seconds over the phone and that guy is actually able to play games like chess via the phone,how irritating can it get?!
I actually feel the ad could've been modified in such a way so that its less offending to people like me.If the ad isnt enough,you always have the caption "express yourself"-yeah..right..uh.!!.But one thing must be appreciated,ARR's music is the only thing that gives you some relief when you are pissed off because of the signals,may be thats why they roped in Rahman..whatever.At times i feel so irritated that i feel like calling customer care and complaining them,but cant help it-no signal for that either-curse those stupid people at customer care..!!
But there are still good people left,i'll have to search for kajol so that i can make free calls from her mobile.I've seen this female in an ad wherein she provides relief to the people suffering like me and actually gives her phone to use,that too for free.May be i'll build her a small room right next to my house so that all my sufferings'll b gone.Hope she finds me in some traffic signal or may be in my house standing outside,why-simple reason,no signal.!!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

sivaji or shriya'ji..watever....-the review..!!!!

After many days and months of painful wait for a good movie,its finally here..shivaji-the boss.You know who has produced,directed,casting blah blah,so i dont want to get into it(refer wikipedia for such details...)yeah and coming back to the review-as any movie,this one also can be divided into two-the 1st half and the 2nd half.Since its a rajini movie,it can be split up into "riches-to-rags-rajini" and "rags-to-riches-rajini".!!
So there i was in the movie hall-punctual,went there even before the titles rolled in.As soon as everyone saw the name in bold letters "super star rajinikanth"..the audience just erupted with whistles all over the place and some idiots screamin-well..atleast i did..
The opening was an awesome one where they'll be taking a masked guy into the jail with many protesting the act-you need not be einstein to guess that hez rajini.From there on the protagonist explains to his neighbouring cellmate why is he in jail..!!
Thus the story starts....and so does the painful 1st half......
The first half is pretty much lame and dumb.I'm really beginning to wonder if it was the same director who gave sane movies like gentleman,anniyan et al.I mean the very first half,you can find rajini going behind girls as he wants a tamil girl.All that is pardonable and humourous,but only to a certain extent!!.Later on as the movie progresses,you start sleeping only to wake up in the middle for songs.And speaking of songs,beautiful..simply wonderful sets,mind blowing music,grandiose in every frame.This guy doesnt know how to take the low budget ones-who cares,afterall its the producers money,whatever..lets not get into the monetary details of the movie as i'm terribly poor with large numbers..!!Anyways in the first half,you can actually guess the sequences,replete with just two things-shriya and educational project.Its either that or this.In one scene you find rajini and vivek doing the stupid things for shriya(was shankar drunk while directing?!!!) and the very next scene you find him in corporate buildings fighting for his rights.And as usual shankar lays emphasis on the corruption and all that.All that was good alright but too much of anything is bad.The first half would be boring if it were'nt for shriya.WOW-that was the only word that i had for this female.They should've equipped the hall with more fire extingushers-she was HOT?!!She scorched the screen with her presence and in the songs i was speechless and dumbstruck as i was caught helpless in deciding what to give importance to-rahman's score,thotta tharani's set,rajini or shriya.Rajini made the heads turn as he was awesome,young and rejuvenated,its as if he had found the fountain of youth,refer the pic for more details.To say the least his acting and comical stuff was great,reminded me of the old "muthu","veera" days-good ol' rajini.Speaking of comedy,till date i'm unable to understand the role of raja and solomon pappayya.The whole concept of "pazhagalaam vaanga" was ridiculous,so much so that after some time you forget how to smile-as in my case.I mean shriya's pretext is too lame,according to her-how can unknown people marry.All that makes sense,but they simply overdo that.All you can do is to sit helplessly as vivek-raja-solomon trio slaughter you with thier so called antics and comedy-such a pain in the ****(i meant head..!!)..Obviously there has to be someone to challenge rajini and for him to show his power,so you have suman just for that.The yester-year veteran was apt for the villain,the usual "powerful-but-pleasant" kinda villains that you see regularly in the movies.Clad in white dhoti and shirt,he was good and those coolers,its better that he doesnt take them off,for your sake,better hope that he doesnt.!!And speaking of veterans,there was raghuvaran-may be he just signed up for a guest role,you can just see him here and there-rarely,just like comedy in the movie.!!After being gullible enough to lose all his property,thalai comes to the streets,so as usual,its payback time.Finally some relief,no the movie isn't over,the first half just did and i woke up.!!.My sincere advice,you can as well sleep through the 1st half..and then wake up coz the movie begins only in the 2nd half.
Just as i was about to sleep after the snacks that i've had,i decided to stay awake and see if there was any story left-atleast in the second half..!!
I was not disappointed,there was some story and may be shankar started his direction only from the second half..The 2nd half was as usual nice with rajini's fight sequences making look matrix's "neo" like a kid.The stunts went overboard but the mindless crowd loved it,i aint exceptional.Rajini's punch dialogues were good,worth applauding,though some seemed like sms forwards..!!,Since its a rajini movie,its better to stop thinking and appreciate them.As for shriya's acting,who cares,as long as shez hot.She plays a dumb girl who actually falls for a equally dumb plot of the'll actually get pissed off at her stupidity and you feel like killing her for giving in thalai..darn that girl..uh...i still hate her for that..!!
And this blog aint complete without actually talking about the "oru koodai sunlight.." song.It seems he spent crores and a year for that-some colour super-imposing stuff.Instead of wasting both time and money-he could've as well refined the script and screenplay further.Whats the point in spending crores just to make him look like an albino or a guy suffering from anemia,he looked ghostly white and pale..seesh hope they stop doing it in the future,its better if he is black.I was glad that they confined that complexion to just a song,may be the producer had enough and shankar was considerate to have left us and the producer.As if spending crores on songs was'nt enough,the cruel director actually threw the producers money all over the place and let students pick it up-how bad of him!!The climax saw the hero's victory excluding the directors defeat-stupid stuff that none actually noticed a six footer suman lying on the ground and he died coz of a stampede,how dumb can you get..!!..
In a "diamond studded" nutshell,it dint live upto its hype.Too much hype...I must watch it for the second time,its time for the show,i gotta leave,but its okay,i'll watch the movie only from the second half..!!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

d four digit stuff.....

Finally after a year of torturing people to read my blog and all that,my counter has finally crept to the 1000+ mark..i'm really indebted to three people- frequently refreshing the blog to increase the counter...;)
2.myself-for frequently visiting my blog to see if my counter has increased...!!
3.the guyz and gals whom i paid for reading my blog...
just kidding....i'm really happy and i owe you people a lot and my fans(hullo...anyone there..!!..damn my blog is echoing empty..!!)too..
Will keep posting more....thanks....keep looking out this space for more...

Friday, June 15, 2007

Final year........finally..!!

After the three torturous years of engineering,i'm finally nearing the end of this course...yeah,i feel relieved..i'm the final year guy.In about a year or so,i'll become a complete idiot..i'm THE SENIOR,so i can rag anyone,do whatever i want.(ofcourse,overlooking the fact that there are the M.E students..!!)..
These three years taught me a lot-no not academics though,a lot about life,made me the moron that i am now.!!Let me tell you what did i learn,
> First year(tot of underlining tis thing,but d ctrl+u option is not there,darn!):
It was the very excitement of graduating to a new level.The thrill of meeting new people-now i may not be an extrovert,but still new people,new friends,ofcourse they excite anyone breathing.I was not disappointed,i met new people.Some of them turned out to be idiots like me,the rest....worse than i was.The 1st year went on well with the 1st semester having many labs,so much so that we actually forgot the days of the week and we remembered the day by the lab that day,but all of these made no difference to me.These tight schedules and records dint actually hamper my irregularity,i was the same irregular guy that your professors keep scolding.Inspite of out-standing performance in the semester labs,i managed to clear-just.And the second semester was different,did quite well.Infact its my highest till date.
Somehow i managed to scrape through and went to the second year.
> Second year:
Now this was a very funny year,when you actually become a senior.You believe that you are the boss and all that,ofcourse the scapegoats being the juniors!It was fun alright,after settling a little bit with the classmates,getting used to those people was the fun part,liked it though.Somehow this year saw the formation of petty petty groups and they started establishing themseleves.We started roaming in packs,mocked at every oppurtunity got,it was nice alright.This year went on pretty quickly.
> Third year:
This is the year,i learnt so much,i lost my dearest friend,became a recluse,was banished from all the groups.Its here that i actually learnt that everyone has his/her own groups and that i belonged to none-the hard way.I was more like a nomad,freelancer.I dont know if it was my fault or thiers,be it whosoever's-i'm single and happy*.I started avoiding people and vice versa.I dont know what hit them or me but,i started treating everyone as a persona non grata,may be that expatiates why people treat me like that,whatever.Anyways,getting back to this year,this was the year when i saw arrears coming into my life,not one,,,but two..I hated life,life replete with irony and misery-1st two year,all cleared,maintained a decent aggr,the crucial third year for placements,i find myself keeping arrears.Yuck...this was life at its ugliest best.I cleared both of them in the next semester only to find another arrear displacing the two!!..I've written that paper this semester,hope i clear.But given the current scheme of things to come,i'll keep my fingers crossed.
> Fourth year:
Dont know what lies ahead and what does fate hold for me..i'll let you know anyways..!!!
*-conditions apply..
Now i know you people are wondering why did i actually write this and why are you reading this,before you hurt yourself,might i remind you that,this is more like my publicised personal space,just that i cant blend humour with my bitter experiences,so kindly adjust,will be back with a humorous post...

Friday, May 18, 2007


Now i know that many of them are actually either mad at me...or thinking that i badly need a visit to the nearest psychiatrist..chill out,my head aint shrunk nor am i mentally unstable..its just my point of view..nothing much..babies are cute and innocuous alright..but things are not what they seem..let me take my liberty one step forward and explain you why i chose to blog upon this topic...before you feel like breaking my head that is...let me take you on a walk down the memory lane...
You see,it all began when i was some 15yr old guy.Babies loved me,oh yeah..i was more like the "babies-magnet" or whatever you choose...and there was this time when babies actually laugh at looking at my face,may be its got some cryptic jokes written all over my face and they found my face really amusing.Now i really dint get it,i mean why did they choose to laugh at me-ofcourse not wanting to go to the nearest mirror for the answer,i waited for the answer and i dint get it..i felt i was overreacting to this otherwise trivial issue,so i left it.Infact i loved babies back then,thier innocent smile,tiny fingers,myriad expressions and all tat,i really loved it.So i was actually pondering,"why do certain people hate kids?"..i mean its these cute babies are those that turn into kids and they dont fall from the sky just like that..well i got my answer....i'll tell you "why i hate kids?!!"
First and foremost,kids are very inquisitive.Its this stage that they learn many things (no not that adult stuff,lets keep our blog clean and neat..)..this is indeed good,i mean only through this curiosity-they learn and evolve into a better person.But the other side is that,they can drive you really crazy by asking millions of questions which keep popping in thier in my case,my cousin-a usual kid,but her mouth just doesnt seem to close nor her stream of queries dont seem to end just like the mega serials..i was like so darn pissed off.From thereafter i started hating "inquisitive kids".....
[,i love the dumb kids though-brotherhood i presume.It seems i was also a dumbo back then,the silent type(since then nothing has actually changed though.!!).So i had this liking towards the dumb ones..]
Then to reinforce my dislike towards kids,came the "active and playful ones".Now these are the ones to be beware of.They may seem nice and active but there is more to it......
There was this day when i was playing with few kids,some of them unfortunately are waist high.Then there was this kid who ran towards me,he seemed harmless..absolutely harmless and cute, he came closer to me and moved his hands as if he was trying to give me "hi-fi" not to my hands,but to certain parts where then "sun doesnt shine"..hope you understand,i mean.waist-high kids..flinging his hands in the air and wallah i got hit...more like a guy ringing a bell which is little high..*smack*..right where it hurts the most..and boy i saw stars,planets,comets,galaxies,all celestial was nirvana.It was like something actually broke "down south"(please guyz,i cant get more euphemistic than this...for the dumb ones who still have'nt understood what i meant-go visit your nearest shop and get a biology book.!!.)and since every action has an equal and an opposite reaction..tears started rolling out,involuntary though-mind you,there was nothing i could do for a few minutes except to do sit ups and all that..!!It took quite some time to reach normalcy-physically and mentally...
So this is why i hate kids...eventhough i'll have my own few years down the lane,hope i get out of this trauma of kids and start loving them and playing with them,ofcourse with plenty of protection and all that,afterall.."prevention is better than cure".!!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

My woeful plight of placements...:(...

Well...i guess this is one of those posts wherein i wish 2 contemplate on d burnin issues affectin not d richard gere kissin thing..but my placements n all tat...
As u wud've probably seen in my earlier rambling,bout tat debut of was a debacle alrite...but life is all about mistakes and learnin from em...i stick by 2 d adage."2 err is human"..but 2 err often is foolishness...i mean...i've attended many companies....n each company i get rejected in d aptitude round itself...its like hell...d ones worse than u get placed n u kno tat u r a tad better than em,but u get reprobated whilst tat guy gets approbated...i kno life is unfair but its not even fairly unfair in my favour...but accordin 2 da society,d one placed is indeed talented n brainy n 2 say d least d ones not placed..(me)..r useless n all tat..mebbe its d truth..d alarmin truth...i've been woken up by tis alarm....but wats d use i feel...i'll b d matter wat hppns..
Its infact disturbin 2 kno tat u aint wat u tot u were...i mean .in my case,i tot campus wud b a piece of cake...but no..its more like d murphys law."evrythn is harder than it looks.." i came 2 realise tis truth...d magnitude of tis verity is too much 2 digest nor handle..i jus cant take tis..its like eatin me up from d inside..d guilt...each time i c my parents n tell em tat i've not got thro even into d aptitude round-they encourage me by tellin."therz somethn better waitin 4 u "..but both of us kno tat its jus a mirage n not d truth,,..each time i get rejected,it inflicts my parents more than me n thier silence meant more than tears of blood n 1000 sobs..cant help it tho..i guess its all fate..mebbe i shud prepare well...lemme c...
I shall leave u ppl here...coz any sounding off beyond this will make u feel tat i'm actually few minutes short of a suicide...nah.dont takes brave ppl 2 do tat n not losers like me...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

campUS recruitment...watever....

Finally after a very very long hiatus...after clearing all the cobwebs in this part of cyber space...i've decided to blog down my experiences regarding the "campus interview" stuff...
Date: i dont actually remember-pre-valentines day i think!!
Venue:in my ever humble (yuck) college campus
Time:from the morning,stretching painfully till the noon....
Company:US Technologies......

So there was this day,well groomed hair,shaved beards,tucked shirttails,belts,pressed trousers,polished shoes-everyone looked like they were getting married that very day n all tat..somethn of tat sort...
The worst part was...even i looked the same way...i absolutely loathed that company for laying down such stupid prescripts for attending an interview....lets not get deep into those there i was like a moron...neatly tucked in,belts,pressed trousers and shoes(my personal favourite-yuck,how i hated it)..i was eligible for attending this thing...Obviously there were some rounds wherein you have to prove your mettle n all tat....
It was the most comical of all rounds....its where the good,worst and hopless get demarcated...(i used the derogatory superlatives coz it was among my college depts..!!)..good get placed,the rest are chucked out to say the least...
The paper was supposed to be a 3 hour ordeal,but we were asked to finish it in an hour,to make things more worse-sectional cut offs-those minimum things that has to be cleared in each section..blah  know y bother...the only saviour was the "NO NEGATIVE MARKS"..
it was as relieving as a commercial break in the mega serials..!!
So after so many shocks..we finally started the ordeal...the RC section was too good- 6 purely enigmatic passages just to make you feel inadequate in english n all time,no idea...
the next section being the logical wherein you hafta think hard n answer em..last but not the least
were the quants-maths....yuck...i hated it...big time...i mean..i dont does it actually bother you if the father is thrice tat of sons....length,breadth of field is increased whats the % increase in area...i dont really understand the logic behind finding father's age,sons age,etc all negative marks made up for the lack of time...i had some time to randomise my answers for questions which were out of my intellectual reach..."wallah"...the hour was over...we were told 2 wait 4 d results....but i was confident tat i wont get thro n all tat...
Finally the results were make things more worse,the ones who got thro-thier names were read aloud in d surprisingly..i heard my got thro d 1st round.....*yawn*...more surprised than me were my friends..who had this "wat-u-actually-got thro" kinda expressions....neways...i was happy tat i got was d group discussion round..
a piece of cake for me-i presumed.. n as usual i was proved wrong...
There were 8 of us in my started...fortunately 4 tat company n unfortunately 4 me....i was in a group of made thier job easier.oh boy was i exulted or was bout 6 minutes of ordeal wit d primitive law of "the loud-mouthed shall live n d dumb ones shall perish"...being d theme...n obviously...d one typing this belongs 2 d latter...he was @#&^#^& off...(pardon me 4 d expletives..)..n happyily n shamelessly i came outta d whole selection process..
but watever...i think its d experience tat counts rather than d selection stuff..
n this was my 1st brush wit infamies....later on i shall met many...will let u kno in d future episodes...of.."what not to do in placements!!".stay tuned....!!