Friday, May 18, 2007


Now i know that many of them are actually either mad at me...or thinking that i badly need a visit to the nearest psychiatrist..chill out,my head aint shrunk nor am i mentally unstable..its just my point of view..nothing much..babies are cute and innocuous alright..but things are not what they seem..let me take my liberty one step forward and explain you why i chose to blog upon this topic...before you feel like breaking my head that is...let me take you on a walk down the memory lane...
You see,it all began when i was some 15yr old guy.Babies loved me,oh yeah..i was more like the "babies-magnet" or whatever you choose...and there was this time when babies actually laugh at looking at my face,may be its got some cryptic jokes written all over my face and they found my face really amusing.Now i really dint get it,i mean why did they choose to laugh at me-ofcourse not wanting to go to the nearest mirror for the answer,i waited for the answer and i dint get it..i felt i was overreacting to this otherwise trivial issue,so i left it.Infact i loved babies back then,thier innocent smile,tiny fingers,myriad expressions and all tat,i really loved it.So i was actually pondering,"why do certain people hate kids?"..i mean its these cute babies are those that turn into kids and they dont fall from the sky just like that..well i got my answer....i'll tell you "why i hate kids?!!"
First and foremost,kids are very inquisitive.Its this stage that they learn many things (no not that adult stuff,lets keep our blog clean and neat..)..this is indeed good,i mean only through this curiosity-they learn and evolve into a better person.But the other side is that,they can drive you really crazy by asking millions of questions which keep popping in thier in my case,my cousin-a usual kid,but her mouth just doesnt seem to close nor her stream of queries dont seem to end just like the mega serials..i was like so darn pissed off.From thereafter i started hating "inquisitive kids".....
[,i love the dumb kids though-brotherhood i presume.It seems i was also a dumbo back then,the silent type(since then nothing has actually changed though.!!).So i had this liking towards the dumb ones..]
Then to reinforce my dislike towards kids,came the "active and playful ones".Now these are the ones to be beware of.They may seem nice and active but there is more to it......
There was this day when i was playing with few kids,some of them unfortunately are waist high.Then there was this kid who ran towards me,he seemed harmless..absolutely harmless and cute, he came closer to me and moved his hands as if he was trying to give me "hi-fi" not to my hands,but to certain parts where then "sun doesnt shine"..hope you understand,i mean.waist-high kids..flinging his hands in the air and wallah i got hit...more like a guy ringing a bell which is little high..*smack*..right where it hurts the most..and boy i saw stars,planets,comets,galaxies,all celestial was nirvana.It was like something actually broke "down south"(please guyz,i cant get more euphemistic than this...for the dumb ones who still have'nt understood what i meant-go visit your nearest shop and get a biology book.!!.)and since every action has an equal and an opposite reaction..tears started rolling out,involuntary though-mind you,there was nothing i could do for a few minutes except to do sit ups and all that..!!It took quite some time to reach normalcy-physically and mentally...
So this is why i hate kids...eventhough i'll have my own few years down the lane,hope i get out of this trauma of kids and start loving them and playing with them,ofcourse with plenty of protection and all that,afterall.."prevention is better than cure".!!

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