Wednesday, February 14, 2007

campUS recruitment...watever....

Finally after a very very long hiatus...after clearing all the cobwebs in this part of cyber space...i've decided to blog down my experiences regarding the "campus interview" stuff...
Date: i dont actually remember-pre-valentines day i think!!
Venue:in my ever humble (yuck) college campus
Time:from the morning,stretching painfully till the noon....
Company:US Technologies......

So there was this day,well groomed hair,shaved beards,tucked shirttails,belts,pressed trousers,polished shoes-everyone looked like they were getting married that very day n all tat..somethn of tat sort...
The worst part was...even i looked the same way...i absolutely loathed that company for laying down such stupid prescripts for attending an interview....lets not get deep into those there i was like a moron...neatly tucked in,belts,pressed trousers and shoes(my personal favourite-yuck,how i hated it)..i was eligible for attending this thing...Obviously there were some rounds wherein you have to prove your mettle n all tat....
It was the most comical of all rounds....its where the good,worst and hopless get demarcated...(i used the derogatory superlatives coz it was among my college depts..!!)..good get placed,the rest are chucked out to say the least...
The paper was supposed to be a 3 hour ordeal,but we were asked to finish it in an hour,to make things more worse-sectional cut offs-those minimum things that has to be cleared in each section..blah  know y bother...the only saviour was the "NO NEGATIVE MARKS"..
it was as relieving as a commercial break in the mega serials..!!
So after so many shocks..we finally started the ordeal...the RC section was too good- 6 purely enigmatic passages just to make you feel inadequate in english n all time,no idea...
the next section being the logical wherein you hafta think hard n answer em..last but not the least
were the quants-maths....yuck...i hated it...big time...i mean..i dont does it actually bother you if the father is thrice tat of sons....length,breadth of field is increased whats the % increase in area...i dont really understand the logic behind finding father's age,sons age,etc all negative marks made up for the lack of time...i had some time to randomise my answers for questions which were out of my intellectual reach..."wallah"...the hour was over...we were told 2 wait 4 d results....but i was confident tat i wont get thro n all tat...
Finally the results were make things more worse,the ones who got thro-thier names were read aloud in d surprisingly..i heard my got thro d 1st round.....*yawn*...more surprised than me were my friends..who had this "wat-u-actually-got thro" kinda expressions....neways...i was happy tat i got was d group discussion round..
a piece of cake for me-i presumed.. n as usual i was proved wrong...
There were 8 of us in my started...fortunately 4 tat company n unfortunately 4 me....i was in a group of made thier job easier.oh boy was i exulted or was bout 6 minutes of ordeal wit d primitive law of "the loud-mouthed shall live n d dumb ones shall perish"...being d theme...n obviously...d one typing this belongs 2 d latter...he was @#&^#^& off...(pardon me 4 d expletives..)..n happyily n shamelessly i came outta d whole selection process..
but watever...i think its d experience tat counts rather than d selection stuff..
n this was my 1st brush wit infamies....later on i shall met many...will let u kno in d future episodes...of.."what not to do in placements!!".stay tuned....!!


Sai said...
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Sai said...
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perfectpicture1987 said...

macha...ur blogs r quite good... last one that i read was actually quite boring:) but this one was good man...i guess i ll hav to become a regular reader of ur blog...i hav actually saved ur blog on my comp :D..that doesnt mean that i'm ur fan yet;)
PS: quit being so obsessed with hair da :D