Saturday, February 09, 2008

Status Quo...

Well,okay the title doesn't sound that cool,cant help it though,if you have a better title,do let me know..!!.It’s been almost two months or so since something actually appeared on this blog,not emphasising on the content nor the quality of the blogs.My typical day is made up of a couple of useless classes with equally useless staffs blabbering stuff which neither of us can comprehend,some cricket matches,orkut,yahoo messenger and ofcourse reruns of my favourite movies.Guess that does give me some time for a blog or two.
Agreed..I write nonsense.I am telling you something that everyone else other than me knows.But I write whatever I want to write,rather than what you want me to write or read.
(Now for most of the people who are actually thinking,"wait a minute,do they actually read your blogs,forget commenting?!",the answer is yes,rarely,as scarce as the sensible and funny posts in my blog..!!).
Life offlate has been okay,in case you people are not aware of the developments in my life,here is a "brief" summary of the things that changed my life recently,
1.I have an arrear-Digital Signal Processing-DSP
For the ones who dont know what DSP is,its fondly called as Degree Stopping Paper.Such is its reputation to act as a obstacle for your degree and i've heard cases wherein many of them actually get married,have kids and they take along their kids to write this paper,just kidding.I aint the only one but then i dont care about the company in this aspect.I've donated rs.400/- to Anna University under the name of "Re-evaluation",its more like a donation,you just give,expect nothing in return.Clearing in re-eval is something similar to a 9-0 defeat of Brazil against India in the FIFA world cup.But then,its just a hope,afterall its that which drives lives.Okay before steve bucknor can raise his finger or before Symonds can start accusing his opponents (for what,calling him rightfully a monkey.Infact i realised that he resembles a simian only after he called himself one..!!) for racially abuse,I would like to switch to another topic,lighter one may be.
2.Watched almost all the movies (pongal releases).
I know this doesnt sound exactly like some achievement or nothing even close to it,it is for me.Its these small and trivial stuffs that make me happy rather than a disco with girls all around.Anyways,lets not get into such stuff,this blog is nothing about happiness and its manifestations.Yeah,where was i.Movies...I was so desperate for movies that i watched the super hit movies like "kaalai","bheema","pirivom sandhippom",(please,stop laughing,i think i am serious,was i?!..).There is nothing worth talking about these movies,but then the only thing mattered to me was,i went with my classmates,mocked the movie,shouted,enjoyed.That was better than watching the movie itself.
3.My final year project is "still" in the shelves.
I hate to talk about academics here,but then,this is the only place where i can express my views however stupid and childish they are.I really have no grudge or hatred towards the ones who've joined a company for their project,but then its a little unfair to see them ready with the code while we keep struggling to meet the deadlines and reviews.Its really annoying to watch that all your classmates actually have the whole project in their hand and here you are not knowing what to do,ofcourse i am to be blamed.Its my laziness that is to be blamed here,me and my procrastination.Hope that i get well before the time it matters the most.Recently our project has taken shape and all i can do is pray and work that all ends well.
So thats about it i guess..will be back with a better post,no dont worry,not the status stuff..something humourous-hopefully..!!
Its high time i take a bath now,atleast for public welfare-forgot to mention that..!!


KARAN said...

dude no offense the only thing that i enjoy in ur page is that language u use.
the flow of words is really fantastic but.that is not all
when u come to stuff its t worst crap i have read as a paragraph in a while ...........:-)
but dude ur tongue rocks.....the stuff sucks.........

KARAN said...

if u did all the things that u r capable of doin u would literally astound ur self bro...
do not go where t path may lead.
instead go where there is no path and leave a trail....
Moka Deepan

Ganesh Puttu said...

Procrastination is the virtue of the wise.... Hold on , Now who said that? Someone with lottsa arrears papers?...

mdb said...

hey charith.. don keep us wait for so long.. come up with ur next blog as soon as possible..