Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Special "She" of my life..

Two kids used to hang around with each other due to the lack of choices available for either. They were the firsts in each others lives. Neither were aware of the gender differences of each other and played along. Never did they stand the sight of each other for both were bent on teasing each other. But as fate would have it, they were stuck with each other till they became teens from toddlers. Later on, as time passed by, they gradually became aware of the surroundings, society and the gender divide and their relationship eventually faded. One of the kids is the guy who is typing this post.
I dint believe in friendship until it came across to me that someone was actually able to withstand all my crap for 22 odd years. I was all that she had and she was all that I had in our respective childhoods. To say that I loved her is an understatement for what we had for each other was something more than all the love in this planet.
That eventful day arrived when she was tying the knot. There she was on the stage, glittering with jewels and shining like the moon. Smiles all over the place and on her beautiful face. When our eyes met as I entered the hall, an undisputed sense of happiness mixed with grief was seen on her face for, her thought was the same as mine at this very moment -"Why does this have to happen, why should we go away from each other.?" Tears filled our eyes as I shook hands with "him", yet, we did not cry. As I came down from the stage, I cherished the memories with her and I bid an adieu, for, she will never be mine again as she has been for the past twenty two years. Not love, nor friendship, bordering somewhere above these two, we lived together all these years, yet apart. Farewell my dear, I wish you a very happy married life. I will miss you and I also know that you will miss me more than I do.
Take Care. 

I know that its not the end of world as she is getting married. But then, for obvious reasons, this would be the end of this wonderful run that I had with her. Thanks for all those moments.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

phew! you saved her life ;)

I never knew you have such a side in your. Another page of your life unfolded. :)