Wednesday, May 02, 2007

My woeful plight of placements...:(...

Well...i guess this is one of those posts wherein i wish 2 contemplate on d burnin issues affectin not d richard gere kissin thing..but my placements n all tat...
As u wud've probably seen in my earlier rambling,bout tat debut of was a debacle alrite...but life is all about mistakes and learnin from em...i stick by 2 d adage."2 err is human"..but 2 err often is foolishness...i mean...i've attended many companies....n each company i get rejected in d aptitude round itself...its like hell...d ones worse than u get placed n u kno tat u r a tad better than em,but u get reprobated whilst tat guy gets approbated...i kno life is unfair but its not even fairly unfair in my favour...but accordin 2 da society,d one placed is indeed talented n brainy n 2 say d least d ones not placed..(me)..r useless n all tat..mebbe its d truth..d alarmin truth...i've been woken up by tis alarm....but wats d use i feel...i'll b d matter wat hppns..
Its infact disturbin 2 kno tat u aint wat u tot u were...i mean .in my case,i tot campus wud b a piece of cake...but no..its more like d murphys law."evrythn is harder than it looks.." i came 2 realise tis truth...d magnitude of tis verity is too much 2 digest nor handle..i jus cant take tis..its like eatin me up from d inside..d guilt...each time i c my parents n tell em tat i've not got thro even into d aptitude round-they encourage me by tellin."therz somethn better waitin 4 u "..but both of us kno tat its jus a mirage n not d truth,,..each time i get rejected,it inflicts my parents more than me n thier silence meant more than tears of blood n 1000 sobs..cant help it tho..i guess its all fate..mebbe i shud prepare well...lemme c...
I shall leave u ppl here...coz any sounding off beyond this will make u feel tat i'm actually few minutes short of a suicide...nah.dont takes brave ppl 2 do tat n not losers like me...


rudrashiv_the rebel said...

hi man chill..take it the others who have placed have to work extra hard ro escape arrears but u work with as u give damn to it!

Me said...

Good Wishes!
Be brave enough to face the time before success. Its alwayshard:)