Sunday, June 11, 2006


well.......its tat it happens in d life of a writer......errr.....blogger in this case.....i ran out of ideas and topics soon..i knew tat this day was evident....never xpected this day 2 come so soon.......but then i aint gonna give up so easily....and then i decided 2 fightback this "drought" of ideas......
so i decided 2 blog bout my realm....d realm of laziness.....(no prizes 4 guessin this!!).....
hm.....laziness.......boon 4 many ....bane 4 d rest...well i aint referrin this 2 d latter category....coz they r incorrigible and they simply cant digest d fact tat "laziness is d mother of shortcuts and inturn conveniences"....
so here i am tryin 2 praise laziness which has helped me a lot...dont ask has helped me cut down d unnecessary usage of energy.(as its evident tat "energy is precious,conserve it")..and laziness of any form is good as u kno it makes u realise d fact tat "life is not full of thorns but also roses"...personally i feel tat because of laziness,ppl try 2 optimise any who says its easy being takes nous 2 b lazy..coz only then will u kno how and where to minimise...
so 4 all those friends who think tat laziness is all easy.....hmmmm....think again!!
infact nature is so vivid in giving xamples 4 laziness.......u c d sloth...d very epitiome of much so tat its a synonym indicating laziness-slothfulness....u shud've seen d so so nonchalant......sleepy..........inactive.....on d other bears d resemblance of a modern day buddha....serene.........innocuous.(never did i hear anywhere,a sloth attackin a ma,if u find any-ur drunk!!) its tat...a sloth can b idolised,infact even adored coz it has all d virtues......"its d same in any emotional situation,"doesnt harm others"..etc so on and so forth.......i personally feel 2 call it "SLOTHISM" u c ppl........nature had its own way of sayin tat "laziness rocks......"
omigad........tat reminds me.......i gotta go and sleep.........i feel lazy.i've typed much to an xtent tat -who knows.....a sloth may attack me 4 defying d rules of "slothism"
u ppl still need proof tat laziness rox.........huh.......

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