Tuesday, June 20, 2006

s"cool" life..!!*sigh*.i miss those days..

school life....indeed was kool.....atleast d goin and d coming out of it part was irritating as i had 2 walk a few steps....watever....neways bout my skool........i had d oppurtunity of changing my school and as a result of it.....i had d best of both d skools.....friends,cultures,attitudes...and many more...till 10th i was in a school and from 11th i was in another.d former saw my more reticent nature while it was latter in which i knew wats school life all bout.....
come chinmaya vidyalaya->come happiness
this was my school....11th and 12th...d crucial period in any student's life...xperiences many -some happy.others not so much....it was kinda like the mixture...d mixture of all...good,bad and d worst...
and here i was d 1st day of my school....2 add salt 2 d wounds...all of em were strangers...i felt like a fish in a new tank-more like a misfit 2 this place......i was restless lookin at ppl who were in thier own worlds-commenting,having fun,some of em were drawin,girls as usual listening with all thier concentration amidst all this balderdash....it was indeed a new fish tank!!!hm....and there i was totally new 2 this place...

eventually i got used 2 this...until a day came where i felt -"yes this is my tank..."and there i was as comfortable as a fish in its tank...it more felt like a home rather than a school....i hate 2 b cliched....buuut....it was like a "home away from home"....truly...once strangers became ppl who bullied me...became close 2 me....my friends they were.....supported me.....d teachers became gr8.evrythn around me was changing..4 d good obviously....so i was happy....d "adventures" i faced...getting caught in d middle of a class givin lunch 2 some guy...my regular irregularity...i resulted in bcomin a "outstanding student".....most of d time i was outta d class....but academics dint take a back seat amidst all this fun n frolic...(i meant 4 others..!!)i was d usual...and those rugby matches tat v use 2 hav along d corridor...with humans and so called humans....all these made those days-red letter ones...
indeed my school had a wide range of ppl........perverts,geniuses,programmers,
athletes,animals,introverts,dancers,singers,composers..etc etc..u name it.therz one in evry variety....such was our school culture...diverse yet united v were...(i sound too patriotic .dont i !!)... and as far as d teachers go..hmm....here also there were diff ppl obv......some were too kind.otherzz were....ahem..d "not so kind types"..but all had one thing in common.....they loved us.....no matter wat v did....i aint tellin this 4 d sake of tellin coz i kno tat this blog aint gonna fetch me any booker err.blogger prize or watever.its jus d way i feel 4 my school...and i love it d way it is......it is this place were my sportsman side actually came out...realy.i played 4 my school cricket team...tho v played only "1" match...still d satisfaction of playin was enuff....
d best part is tat even d post school activities were gr8...all v used 2 do is assemble near a bakery...(balaji bakery as v like 2 call it)..,,and then begins d real fun....talking...commenting...playing.....humour was never a shortage....so v never had 2 bother..eventually some1'll come up with somethn stupid and make us laugh....and then after some time ...mebbe at 5.30 or somethn v wud reach home....and think of all d fun tat v had.....
*sigh*.........indeed gone r those days......memorable ones....i regret tat i shud've joined this wonderful place in my kindergarten itself!!such was d place and d fun i oopsie v had...wow......makes me ask for more....any1 readin this from my school wud def agree wimee...
SCHOOL ROCKS......provided if ur in CHINMAYA..........:)......

1 comment:

Harini Rajagopalan said...

hey dude!! you 're absolutely right!! school rocks provided it's chinmaya!!you forgot to mention about one important thing... 't's about that hour in school without which u'll.. die outta hunger!! Lunch man!! spoons!!he he kiddin.. great blog!!