Thursday, June 01, 2006

semesters..xamz.....all d same.i hate em!! makes me-many 4 tat matter... feel uncomfortable....sick....uneasy....hapless.......yup u got talkin bout examz......especially if its in d field of engineering....i absolutely loathe em.,...i jus dont get it!!r d ppl who r settin d papers mind readers or oracles?..i mean how do they kno wat topics we(i) have'nt prepared........and ironically they ask d questions from d same unit...i always wonder how they hit d bulls eye ALWAYS.!!some ppl may .hm..nope i kno they'll disagree its d other way around 4 them...they get only wat they prepared....i jus dont get d simply complex logic behind this thing.......i mean it always worx 4 me.......especially in my semesters...i always get d questions which i feel r .....u kno "out of syllabus" kind....but no im wrong....they say its very well in d come i miss all these plight can b understood by my fellow counterparts from othr disciplines of engineering...ask them and they'll tell u wat it is.....
One more thing tat perplexes me is tat how come i 4get d things wen i need them d most or wen they matter d most....4 instance even 2day in one of my battle with d subject(obviously lost it) mind jus was clear and blank....naked as a sheared sheep...and it is even now.!!i 4got all d "important" circuit and block diagrams,and as a result .wat was suppose 2 b a paper full of block diagrams and cirucuits...i was busily inventing new block diagrams...kinda like never seen b4 and never b4 heard types.....hmm....*sigh*,,,,only fate's hand can scrape me thro this battle called semesters in d arena of engineering....!!

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