Monday, October 09, 2006

Life after his death......

The obituary column read.....
B.E (III Year) CSE
S/o. G.Mohan
Deeply mourned by
G.Mohan & family and
Management and Students of
Saveetha engg. College.
Cell No.:9941423554
hus ended his life and finally the note......the guy that i mentioned my best friend...been classmates since 2nd on to know more about this great guy/chum....
CSE III yr...
roll no:21604104022
Thats how we use to call him....on the onset of our friendship....i just saw him as some "giant guy"...but later on when i started movin on with him....hez really 'big' in all the senses of the word....big heart....his magnanimity knew no bounds n so does his physical build...eitherways classified as a "gentle giant"......and then later on we moved without much of effort....putting us on a magical journey....upto the dead end.....
I donno how or when it began but..i remember it was during the 4/5th sem tat v actually got closer 2 each other....started sitting with each other.,forming grps..making fun of each other..pulling each others legs...hanging out 2gether in d canteen...the things tat he bought 4 us.....makes even d trip 2 canteen memorable n more v miss em everytime v sit 2gether n eat...*sigh*..memorable dayz.,..they were indeed....
Even during the lectures.....we used 2 enjoy his company...his puerile.....yet so hearted....childish tots...i mean....pure n blemishless...doesnt intend 2 harm others....highly innocuous....very carin......loves friends and his family alike.....
never seen him get pissed off for guy.......awesome guy...."boring" wud b d last word 2 describe em n "friendly,childish,helpful,childish,humourous" wud b d 1st set of words which can probably describe him better than anythn..... his anagram tells it all...."ha!ha! me clan" such is his warmth....he welcomes u tat way into his broad arms...
As my journey went on smoothly like a dream...suddenly i realised tat i was attendin his funeral....i was unable 2 digest close yet so far....he went away from us....his demise was a loss tat none of us could fathom nor endure it.....i hoped it was all a nightmare....but unfortunately...all d images tat my eyes engraved on my brain were true... painfully true....v mourned his loss and so did his family members who missed em a lot-evidently so....v cried like none cud n as if there was no 2morrow...indeed there was none....4 him n 4 our friendship...
Even as i type this........tears trickle down my cheeks....we luv u ......we miss u ........
inspite of his demise,u'll b amidst us........
With tears................i end this painful blog...which i dint expect 2 write......n i dont wanna write 4 any1 in d future.....i hope this acts as a tribute to one of my greatest frnd who walked 2 dreaded path of my heart.....but not even million dollars nor million blogs wud actually suffice 2 express the luv tat we hav on him...this is jus d part of d tribute....
Kudos....2 this great guy.....
Indeed after his death....has stripped us of a great pal....wat a void.....only time can fill!

Monday, September 18, 2006


No no....i aint trying to sing here....for the good of the society....i decided not to do it......newayz.......yeah......this is the name of my so called.....proclaimed..much hyped event college culturals......(ladies and gentleman...please yawn..!!).....i honestly hate this name....saa...vee.....gaa.......maa.....its like some kinda typo or something like that...!!
DAY 1:
As began very well......with all the participants......the judges....i meant only the participants were there.......and as usual there were these guys who were like...."that guy is my department...","that guy is my friend.."......the audiences who mocked at every oppurtunity they got.,...thats because the participants in all the events were so damn talented and were apt candidates for getting a way it was good...the absence of talent made way for unadulterated fun as the participants had a taste of what it is to be mocked...!!there were these dumb events like....adzap-yeah heard it right..adzap...the products were lame and so were the ads...i mean..i felt like all of the teams competed for something like ."we-will-be-the worst"...title or something like was funny like watching the re-runs of golf matches in dd sports.....usually the participants were sitting ducks....but in the next event,...they were turkeys waiting to be talking about singing.....the talking about the partcipants.....they indulged in an act of mass-stand up comedy...they sang...and as usual ..the audience were ruthless as they roasted thes turkeys till they turned brown!!but my "rarely seen" good side pitied the singers..but my other side..felt that they could've bene roasted to the more darker shades of brown..!!such was their quality and talent....
Then there was this...skit...OMG...such comical and baseless skits they were....oh they could beat even a drunken monkey in incoherence-it was like watching something intellectually stimulating and challenging like "teletubbies","boobah".......(and by d monkeys drink??.hmm.....honestly i dont know....).. i enjoyed em very was refreshing and it gave audience an idea of "how a skit should'nt be!!"....and then after this skit...there were these main events like pin the tail on the donkey,pinata.eye-spy etc,......jus kiddin....but i considered these events would be far far better than the events that followed the skit..!!i was wrong .....there was this light-music thingie........vandalism was at its maximum here... i danced...cheered along with was nice....and the day ended on a tiring and a happy note.....
DAY 2:
hmmm........after the "exciting and mind blowing" 1st day....guess they had decided to atone for thier sins...the events that day were really interesting and nice.....and they were the most eagerly awaited ...the group dance,"mr n mrs .savvy"......apart from all this....the crowd puller....which made the second day a grand success..i aint talkin about some fashion show or anything like that.....its the "GRAND LUNCH"....that we were promised ......
-->lunch....yay.....happy time.lunch time...!!
The greatest mistake done by my college management is feeding gluttons like us....all hell broke loose when they announced that lunch was supplied...chaos ensued...pandemonium...(boy...did i love it or what!!)...after going there...i saw many worshippers of some god...were awed by it...what did they see.....FOOD....that too a was like...the sight of a lake for a nomad in desert!!.......we were glad that it was buffet.....and everyone was like,they were badly affected by drought and we even beat the likes of those kids in refugee camps!!(its understood that the above "never-seen-food-before" group includes me i dint mention)..and after we had voraciously finished off the lunch....we dint care much about the events that we were all dazed .....felt really sleepy.....
After some events...which included "mr n mrs.savvy",group dance etc.....we pretty much enjoyed the show and cheered and jeered....
Alas came the end of my culturals and this painfully long blog....which took me about half n hour....
~and after this i happily lived ever after....till the examz next week i.e!!
[p.s:there are exceptions though....there were these talented ones....but....its the other type that i felt like pondering ppl who r readin this...n who participated in offence..newayz....atleast u ppl did try...i dint...]

Monday, August 14, 2006

ahhhhh........procrasti.......hmm.... i'll type it later...

There r many things which bother me in my life...and no...i aint talkin bout my galfrnd..neither d results which hav come out...nor d mosquito fondly biting my leg...apart from these trivialities...d aspects were i ponder "hmm.....shud i do it?".....n finally aftr many sessions n all i get is "yawwwwwn.... i'll do it later"...i mean i used 2 wonder.....if u do evrythn on time....then wat'll u do later......sit u may ask me..without doin d work i may sit simply,....instead i can as well do d work n sit idle...but d thrill will b gone.......
Its simply wonderful......procrastination.....d very word....its gives me sense of euphoria...much 2 d likes of-d end of soaps...or my clg has been closed!!..i dont simply kno y buuuuut it instills hope in me......tat "all d best men finish last".....(honestly,i donno wat it means.....but it fits in here!!)...i live by this adage....this very golden adage tat helped me scrape thro my school as well as clg life....even now in my maintainin this aspect n no wonder im one of those outstanding students tat u rarely wonder i was sent out of d chemistry lab..right in d 1st sem...!!apart from all gives me a happiness......while others struggle...i relax.....while othrs relax i also relax!!
At d same time...i also follow my parents dad once said.....u shud b like a rocket....soar up high n all tat......and u kno wat....i found a close resemblance 2 d rocket......u c a rocket worx only wen its bottom is on fire......similarly i also work only wen therz fire in my i dont work on d pan....tat wud mean disaster....i mean......someone or somethn shud fire me up..only then can i take off.....later i fail or succeed is anothr aspect which shud'nt b discussed here!!.......d fire here being d deadlines......ofcourse......this fire can either be xtinguished or fuelled based upon d priorities....but then i feel......deadlines r meant 2 b xtended...i mean therz somethn called d aftrlife-life aftr DEATH-DEADline....get it!!
thnx 4 patiently readin d present state of incoherence n "wat-d-hell-am i-typin?" coz of d followin....
a.drowsiness...time is 10.10pm.......
b.darn these mosquitoes....thier family n frnds...wellwishers
c.timely but unwanted intervention of my parents 2 shut down d system...
so hope u ppl can fathom wat i've tried 2 write.....if u can...enjoy its incoherence......else.....scroll down 2 c more like this one!!
n comment......

Friday, July 28, 2006

headches of a minor surgical correction-surgery!! i am...survived a surgery last week...i hate 2 use d word survive..coz its jus a minor one...atleast it was s'posed 2 b one accordin 2 d doctor...
But watever i've undergone.......i'll try 2 blog em down...
My surgery was on d friday...21st july..n so i got admitted in d hospital...n evrythn was fine....then came in d nurses..with some injections in her hand...(right from childhood i donno y ,i had this unexplainable fear of injections, i wud'nt even touch it with a 3 feet stick!!)...she injected me here there n evrywere until my body was like a guy stung by 1000 bees...(jus kiddin!)..yeah some did pain...n as if this was'nt enuff..they were inscribing...i tot it was their names..somethn like "this is my area" or "out of bounds" etc..,aftr sometime i looked like an amnesiac,scrawling "things 2 b done" on his hands..but later i learnt with my
not-much-used-common sense tat they were d names of d injectants...4 any case of allergic reactions..i was relieved coz they stopped makin me a scribblin pad....
And as if these were'nt enuff...they brought in d saline bottles...they looked pristine...they were slooooowly makin thier way into my bloodstream...i dono 4 wat reason but....they kept givin me saline bottles...aftr all this stuff...the staff came in...he tol me 2 remove all d clothin tat i had...well....i had 2 comply n there i was in a green attire...4 few reasons i hated it.. made me look fat..which i am normally!! dint suit me..i hate tat colour!
3.i looked like a guy who jus ran away from d asylum!!
after this ....they took me 2 d operation theatre...from there on,thnx 2 d anaesthesia i was blissfully unaware of thier surgical procedures...!!
d worst part was the fasting part..i had my breakfast on 7.30am..from tat time on...i was s'posed 2 not even drink water..4get water..FOOD..i shud'nt touch it...tat was more painful than d needles tat pricked me!!

Thursday, July 06, 2006


hmm........pessimism sucks....does it really......i dont think so....i hav othr opinions of my own.......
accordin 2 is optimism tat sux ......big time........its d lesson tat life has tot me....(i talk like an old guy....but i aint.iwen i say life.i mean till now!!)...."wishful thinkin leads 2 disappointment".
wanna kno on.....u'll kno......
u c...pessimism accordin 2 being somethn close 2 realism......unlike optimism which is like d more rosier version of life.........which unfortunately is not d truth....optimism is a way of blinding,blindfolding ourselves from seeing d truth...which brings us 2 d adage tat "truth is bitter"......and thereby most of d optimist's end up getting disappointed....atleast it hppns 2 d ppl who think of d more positive aspect of things....all they r left with is d feelin of discontent and sadness...
In d case of pessimist's ......d scenario is diff....pessimism is a way of realising d truth...d truth tat life is bitter.and tat life is full of surprises....bad ones on tat...besides.....pessimist's buffer themselves from d damage caused by d so called "blows"(low one's) of life.....lemme consider an example 2 make it more understandable........
there r 2 students A n B.......let A be the foolish optimist.....B be the smart pessimist...
now let us assume tat they hav written thier xamz....and they r waitin 4 thier results....
A speaks in a way tat "im sure of getting 90%........"..while B sez "i donno....guess i'll get 50%"...
wen d results were out.....A got 80%.........n B got u ppl decide.........who'll b happy?? d guy who tat he'll get 90 n got less....or d one who got more than he tot.he wud..this proves tat optimism is really a dumb way of livin d jus seez d petals of d rose and fails 2 c d thorns......which unfortunately.....d latter constituting d majority.....
One more aspect of pessimism is tat..u can handle anythn bad with other words .it prepares u 4 d worst things ahead....4 e.g : if u prepare urself 4 some kinda sports meet...and as v all kno.,winning aint possible v may lose..u may fail 2 get selected(instead i prefer d word "rejected") this case...only d pessimists can handle it better......ofcourse i wanna xclude d stupid "super"optimists who feel tat..."yes....i hav wat it takes.....i'll win d next time"....
4get bout em....they r consummate fools......i dont wanna talk bout em....
so wat i wanna conclude is....
* pessimism is way way better than optimism
* pessimism is like a cushion.....makes ur fall less painful....
*pessimism makes u realise d truth tat "life is full of roses...with thorns being more than petals"
last but not d least......
now i kno many ppl fuming over me........[but who cares,atleast i dont]....chill out....drink a glass of water or two....wake up atleast now n smell d aint petals alone.........who knows.....d fan above u may fall on ur head or d innocuous insect tat u jus crushed-may haunt u!!!!!!!!! b prepared 4 d worst and let pessimism take care of d rest......
xpect d d case of optimism,,,,
unexpected is d d case of pessimism......!!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

gone r those days...


Gone r those days....wen i cud run around like an idiot,
Gone r those days.....wen i cud shout aloud anywhere,
Gone r those days.....wen i cud hug a gal,
Gone r those days.....wen i cud kiss a gal without gettin slapped,
Gone r those days....wen i can stone a dog and watch it reatreat-with joy,
Gone r those days....wen i cud hit others,
Gone r those days.....wen i cud break things in d name of mischief,
Gone r those days.....wen i cud ride a cycle,fall down and none wud laugh at,
Gone r those days.......wen i cud act like a moron and get away with it,
Gone r those days......wen ppl find me cute,
Gone r those days.....wen i cud sleep anywhere without botherin,
Gone r those days.....wen i cud talk without any sense watsoever,
Gone r those days.....were i cud get away by writing such dumb blogs in d name of creativity!!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

my college far i.e......

my college.......hmm.......therz nothin positive 2 b if there r any college lovers...this article aint 4 u....all these xperiences r mine and the perspectives ppl who hate thier college...welcome 2 d club...they may appreciate this whining of mine reg d colleges.....esp engg colleges..!!
YAY!!!!............hurray., was my reaction as soon as my high school main xamz got over...not because im leavin d school....its jus d thrill of movin 2 a new level,(in all d aspects!!)to a higher level........undergraduation 2 b more precise....(still miss my school...but cant help it,v gotta move on in life...right!!)...tho i dint fare well in my high school xamz...(now dont think how much i wud've got......jus 4get it)...d very idea tat "im goin 2 a clg".....made me jump around and much so that i was left sleepless few days b4 d openin of d clg....d xcitement of meetin new ppl,friends.....much tougher course...placements....and last but not d least...more gals.....d prospects were bright......but did they meet my on.......
and so there i my college...d very 1st day began with d usual....bragging err.....introduction part-where our seniors boasted bout d college shamelessly,inspite of knowin d fact tat they were lying.....followed by our dynamic(......ewwwww......)principal......followed by someothr "over" enthusiastic parents and students who tol d reason y they had joined thier kids here and y did they join..respectively....[i was brought here by my frnd who also is obviously joined b4 me......tats a diff story tho]...
first.....second........third and now d fourth semester is also over.."sooner or later" i tot-i'll find myself a grp and a niche in it ..but i was wrong.....i find myself queasy with my fellow(i hate 2 use this word) i like 2 call em.....and vice versa....tho i do mix with few of em......i tot college was a place where there was fun and frolic....all play and no i realise tat mebbe i was wrong bout d ideas tat i had......indeed once again i was wrong....!!
what makes my college xperience more worse is d "teaching staff" r they amazing or what??i was simply flummoxed by thier ability 2 was like singing us a lullaby so tat v had a sound sleeeep ....especially d maths classes were.......zzzz......comin 2 think of it...i feel sleepy if that aint enuff v had these physics and chemistry lab classes were only d lab assistant knew wats wat.......and how does it work...ask a doubt durin d lab classes n all they do is procrastinate answerin session or call d lab assistant 2 do d clearin.....and d theory classes.....all of em were soporific........a very few of em....rare ones.made us sit up and listen...either the class was funny or interesting..4 instance there was this physics guy..who tot us some electronix stuff in my 2nd sem....he was so so hilarious tat....he actually found out a value of a variable from an equation.....and he substituted d answer back in d same equation.....and he proved it 2 b zero....from then on....v all were his fans.....but apart from being a part time fool.....he was a nice guy...coz he was d one who never asked 4 assignments from ppl like me.....and d one thing that needs 2 b mentioned is my canteen food.......mouth-waterin aint it..huh....u'll kno.......u'll kno.......
canteen food......usually reminds ppl of aromatic kitchens filling d nose with d aroma of spice and evrythn else nice..evrythn tasted fine and nice.much like d elixir...if u think d same scenario applies 2 my canteen......think again......ur wrong......u c there r few things which i absolutely loathe in this world....among em .......stands my canteen food...i agree with d fact tat college is 4 education and not for canteen food........but d only time v get 2gether n relax is durin our lunch breaks...such is the mood of d time.and there they serve these things...."food" oops..."quality food" as they term it....usually consists of semi-baked rice,half-boiled vegetables...and somethn known as the curry so tat it can accompany d food durin its journey into d stomach....such food sure....if given 2 some guy......he may probably leave d college and never ever even return back 2 it....sometimes v find enuff stones in d rice tat if collected,can actually b used 2 build a house out of hyperbolising d whole issue aint i....but i assure u aint far from d truth..its jus tat none has collected it...u c .my canteen firmly believes tat wen ur hungry,u dont bother much bout d food or its taste.all u want is ur stomach 2 b filled.and tats d xact purpose of my canteen food...but i warn u.not 2 eat it it wud b ur food pipe's worst canteen takes advantage of d fact tat ur hungry and serves u mere "fillers"... ...but inspite of all this fuss bout d canteen food.v end up eatin d canteen food and guess still alive..mebbe it aint so bad afterall..or mebbe tat i got used 2 it......watever it survival factor is gr8...
so there u hav it....a brief attempt 2 make u ppl understand my college....i kno its futile.....but....cant help it...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

s"cool" life..!!*sigh*.i miss those days..

school life....indeed was kool.....atleast d goin and d coming out of it part was irritating as i had 2 walk a few steps....watever....neways bout my skool........i had d oppurtunity of changing my school and as a result of it.....i had d best of both d skools.....friends,cultures,attitudes...and many more...till 10th i was in a school and from 11th i was in another.d former saw my more reticent nature while it was latter in which i knew wats school life all bout.....
come chinmaya vidyalaya->come happiness
this was my school....11th and 12th...d crucial period in any student's life...xperiences many -some happy.others not so was kinda like the mixture...d mixture of all...good,bad and d worst...
and here i was d 1st day of my school....2 add salt 2 d wounds...all of em were strangers...i felt like a fish in a new tank-more like a misfit 2 this place......i was restless lookin at ppl who were in thier own worlds-commenting,having fun,some of em were drawin,girls as usual listening with all thier concentration amidst all this was indeed a new fish tank!!!hm....and there i was totally new 2 this place...

eventually i got used 2 this...until a day came where i felt -"yes this is my tank..."and there i was as comfortable as a fish in its more felt like a home rather than a school....i hate 2 b was like a "home away from home"....truly...once strangers became ppl who bullied me...became close 2 friends they were.....supported me.....d teachers became gr8.evrythn around me was changing..4 d good i was happy....d "adventures" i faced...getting caught in d middle of a class givin lunch 2 some regular irregularity...i resulted in bcomin a "outstanding student".....most of d time i was outta d class....but academics dint take a back seat amidst all this fun n frolic...(i meant 4 others..!!)i was d usual...and those rugby matches tat v use 2 hav along d corridor...with humans and so called humans....all these made those days-red letter ones...
indeed my school had a wide range of ppl........perverts,geniuses,programmers,
athletes,animals,introverts,dancers,singers,composers..etc etc..u name it.therz one in evry variety....such was our school culture...diverse yet united v were...(i sound too patriotic .dont i !!)... and as far as d teachers also there were diff ppl obv......some were too kind.otherzz were....ahem..d "not so kind types"..but all had one thing in common.....they loved matter wat v did....i aint tellin this 4 d sake of tellin coz i kno tat this blog aint gonna fetch me any booker err.blogger prize or watever.its jus d way i feel 4 my school...and i love it d way it is this place were my sportsman side actually came out...realy.i played 4 my school cricket team...tho v played only "1" match...still d satisfaction of playin was enuff....
d best part is tat even d post school activities were gr8...all v used 2 do is assemble near a bakery...(balaji bakery as v like 2 call it)..,,and then begins d real fun....talking...commenting...playing.....humour was never a v never had 2 bother..eventually some1'll come up with somethn stupid and make us laugh....and then after some time ...mebbe at 5.30 or somethn v wud reach home....and think of all d fun tat v had.....
*sigh*.........indeed gone r those days......memorable ones....i regret tat i shud've joined this wonderful place in my kindergarten itself!!such was d place and d fun i oopsie v me ask for more....any1 readin this from my school wud def agree wimee...
SCHOOL ROCKS......provided if ur in CHINMAYA..........:)......

Sunday, June 11, 2006


well.......its tat it happens in d life of a writer......errr.....blogger in this case.....i ran out of ideas and topics soon..i knew tat this day was evident....never xpected this day 2 come so soon.......but then i aint gonna give up so easily....and then i decided 2 fightback this "drought" of ideas......
so i decided 2 blog bout my realm....d realm of laziness.....(no prizes 4 guessin this!!).....
hm.....laziness.......boon 4 many ....bane 4 d rest...well i aint referrin this 2 d latter category....coz they r incorrigible and they simply cant digest d fact tat "laziness is d mother of shortcuts and inturn conveniences"....
so here i am tryin 2 praise laziness which has helped me a lot...dont ask has helped me cut down d unnecessary usage of energy.(as its evident tat "energy is precious,conserve it")..and laziness of any form is good as u kno it makes u realise d fact tat "life is not full of thorns but also roses"...personally i feel tat because of laziness,ppl try 2 optimise any who says its easy being takes nous 2 b lazy..coz only then will u kno how and where to minimise...
so 4 all those friends who think tat laziness is all easy.....hmmmm....think again!!
infact nature is so vivid in giving xamples 4 laziness.......u c d sloth...d very epitiome of much so tat its a synonym indicating laziness-slothfulness....u shud've seen d so so nonchalant......sleepy..........inactive.....on d other bears d resemblance of a modern day buddha....serene.........innocuous.(never did i hear anywhere,a sloth attackin a ma,if u find any-ur drunk!!) its tat...a sloth can b idolised,infact even adored coz it has all d virtues......"its d same in any emotional situation,"doesnt harm others"..etc so on and so forth.......i personally feel 2 call it "SLOTHISM" u c ppl........nature had its own way of sayin tat "laziness rocks......"
omigad........tat reminds me.......i gotta go and sleep.........i feel lazy.i've typed much to an xtent tat -who knows.....a sloth may attack me 4 defying d rules of "slothism"
u ppl still need proof tat laziness rox.........huh.......

Thursday, June 01, 2006

semesters..xamz.....all d same.i hate em!! makes me-many 4 tat matter... feel uncomfortable....sick....uneasy....hapless.......yup u got talkin bout examz......especially if its in d field of engineering....i absolutely loathe em.,...i jus dont get it!!r d ppl who r settin d papers mind readers or oracles?..i mean how do they kno wat topics we(i) have'nt prepared........and ironically they ask d questions from d same unit...i always wonder how they hit d bulls eye ALWAYS.!!some ppl may .hm..nope i kno they'll disagree its d other way around 4 them...they get only wat they prepared....i jus dont get d simply complex logic behind this thing.......i mean it always worx 4 me.......especially in my semesters...i always get d questions which i feel r .....u kno "out of syllabus" kind....but no im wrong....they say its very well in d come i miss all these plight can b understood by my fellow counterparts from othr disciplines of engineering...ask them and they'll tell u wat it is.....
One more thing tat perplexes me is tat how come i 4get d things wen i need them d most or wen they matter d most....4 instance even 2day in one of my battle with d subject(obviously lost it) mind jus was clear and blank....naked as a sheared sheep...and it is even now.!!i 4got all d "important" circuit and block diagrams,and as a result .wat was suppose 2 b a paper full of block diagrams and cirucuits...i was busily inventing new block diagrams...kinda like never seen b4 and never b4 heard types.....hmm....*sigh*,,,,only fate's hand can scrape me thro this battle called semesters in d arena of engineering....!!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

about me..... this is blog....!!after many weeks of shillyshally..finally i got 2 create a blog 4 me...aint tat gr8....initially .even now 4 tat matter i feel like a kid in a topless bar .confused bout wat and how 2 do..inspite of these confusions-im successfully posting new 2 tis field of its evident from my writing style....!!
and ya bout name is charith...sophomore rite now.....movin to 3rd yr after these semesters....doin my bachelors with computers as my major.....(tho i hate programming!!)
so ppl any comments .do feel free 2 comment and help me improve...but a kind request...dont misuse tis freedom and totally screw me up..k....
tats it 4 now....catch u in d next post.......
bout my english.....i kno its bad....but this is d only 1 tat i've try 2 adjust.....