Tuesday, June 27, 2006

my college life.....so far i.e......

my college.......hmm.......therz nothin positive 2 b written...so if there r any college lovers...this article aint 4 u....all these xperiences r mine and the perspectives differ......so ppl who hate thier college...welcome 2 d club...they may appreciate this whining of mine reg d colleges.....esp engg colleges..!!
YAY!!!!............hurray.,...........yahoo.........bravo............encore.......this was my reaction as soon as my high school main xamz got over...not because im leavin d school....its jus d thrill of movin 2 a new level,(in all d aspects!!)to a higher level........undergraduation 2 b more precise....(still miss my school...but cant help it,v gotta move on in life...right!!)...tho i dint fare well in my high school xamz...(now dont think how much i wud've got......jus 4get it)...d very idea tat "im goin 2 a clg".....made me jump around and restless......so much so that i was left sleepless few days b4 d openin of d clg....d xcitement of meetin new ppl,friends.....much tougher course...placements....and last but not d least...more gals.....d prospects were bright......but did they meet my xpectations......read on.......
and so there i was......in my college...d very 1st day began with d usual....bragging err.....introduction part-where our seniors boasted bout d college shamelessly,inspite of knowin d fact tat they were lying.....followed by our dynamic(......ewwwww......)principal......followed by someothr "over" enthusiastic parents and students who tol d reason y they had joined thier kids here and y did they join..respectively....[i was brought here by my frnd who also is obviously joined b4 me......tats a diff story tho]...
first.....second........third and now d fourth semester is also over.."sooner or later" i tot-i'll find myself a grp and a niche in it ..but i was wrong.....i find myself queasy with my fellow(i hate 2 use this word)...crassmates...as i like 2 call em.....and vice versa....tho i do mix with few of em......i tot college was a place where there was fun and frolic....all play and no work.....now i realise tat mebbe i was wrong bout d ideas tat i had......indeed once again i was wrong....!!
what makes my college xperience more worse is d "teaching staff"....wow...boy r they amazing or what??i was simply flummoxed by thier ability 2 teach...it was like singing us a lullaby so tat v had a sound sleeeep ....especially d maths classes were.......zzzz......comin 2 think of it...i feel sleepy already....as if that aint enuff v had these physics and chemistry lab classes were only d lab assistant knew wats wat.......and how does it work...ask a doubt durin d lab classes n all they do is procrastinate answerin session or call d lab assistant 2 do d clearin.....and d theory classes.....all of em were soporific........a very few of em....rare ones.made us sit up and listen...either the class was funny or interesting..4 instance there was this physics guy..who tot us some electronix stuff in my 2nd sem....he was so so hilarious tat....he actually found out a value of a variable from an equation.....and he substituted d answer back in d same equation.....and he proved it 2 b zero....from then on....v all were his fans.....but apart from being a part time fool.....he was a nice guy...coz he was d one who never asked 4 assignments from ppl like me.....and d one thing that needs 2 b mentioned is my canteen food.......mouth-waterin aint it..huh....u'll kno.......u'll kno.......
canteen food......usually reminds ppl of aromatic kitchens filling d nose with d aroma of spice and evrythn else nice..evrythn tasted fine and nice.much like d elixir...if u think d same scenario applies 2 my canteen......think again......ur wrong......u c there r few things which i absolutely loathe in this world....among em .......stands my canteen food...i agree with d fact tat college is 4 education and not for canteen food........but d only time v get 2gether n relax is durin our lunch breaks...such is the mood of d time.and there they serve these things...."food" oops..."quality food" as they term it....usually consists of semi-baked rice,half-boiled vegetables...and somethn known as the curry so tat it can accompany d food durin its journey into d stomach....such food .....im sure....if given 2 some guy......he may probably leave d college and never ever even return back 2 it....sometimes v find enuff stones in d rice tat if collected,can actually b used 2 build a house out of it.....im hyperbolising d whole issue aint i....but i assure u ...it aint far from d truth..its jus tat none has collected it...u c .my canteen firmly believes tat wen ur hungry,u dont bother much bout d food or its taste.all u want is ur stomach 2 b filled.and tats d xact purpose of my canteen food...but i warn u.not 2 eat it leisurely..as it wud b ur food pipe's worst foe....my canteen takes advantage of d fact tat ur hungry and serves u mere "fillers"... ...but inspite of all this fuss bout d canteen food.v end up eatin d canteen food and guess wat.im still alive..mebbe it aint so bad afterall..or mebbe tat i got used 2 it......watever it is....my survival factor is gr8...
so there u hav it....a brief attempt 2 make u ppl understand my college....i kno its futile.....but....cant help it...


Teddy said...

idiot src.. ur spoiling d name iof Indian coolleges... dumb jump..!!

may b ur bit unlucky w.r.t gettin into a cool coll..or rather ur way of perception i rong.. stop ritin al cribbin stories..

life aint tht bad after all.. get out n see it thru transparent eyes..!!

Anonymous said...

really cool blogs man..keep it up